What is new in 2024

A beautiful sunny and dry (if not always that warm thanks to a cool Baltic) Spring is good reward for an exceptionally wet winter that turned our grasslands into muddy swamplands for much of the year.
Now waves of blossom have passed through, the grass is growing lush and the hollow resounds to the sound of our songbirds from Africa.
The biggest new thing in 2024 is the temporary replacement of our yurt with a new ‘Stargazer’ Lotus Belle. Early autumn storms last year blew the yurt off the platform and broke several of the wooden poles. Unfortunately the yurt’s makers in Somerset couldn’t get replacements sent to us in time for the season. But we’re hoping the Stargazer will be an impressive replacement – same size with beautiful sky viewing panels in the roof but sorry no wood burner. We also have new beds in the tents, which being a little wider and sturdier should hopefully be more comfortable.
The woodlands adjoining Stavehøl on the cycleway side have seen some rather brutal management over the winter (probably in response to the price increase in wood chips for burning) which will hopefully heal a little by mid Summer. The dark spruce trees have all gone along with many trees between the cycle way and the Præstebæk stream – at least that should make finding the little cascade at Svalphøl much easier.
We are almost full for the Summer and it is really lovely to see so many returning guests each year. There’s still some availability in June and at the end of August for those who want to sample our quite lovely idyll.


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