Most of our guests stay at Stavehøl between late May and September. When the streams flow with barely a trickle or are entirely empty, and when our meadow is bone dry. Birdsong, wind in the trees and the drone of hoverflies and bees are the dominant sounds.
It is hard to imagine in these months how so different the wet season is at Stavehøl.
Now the dominant sound in the hollow is the roar of rushing water from the Spageraå stream that flows in the valley below the meadow belle tent:
around the back of the glade belle tent and then through a tunnel down to form the Kobbeå below the waters-meet.
It spills over the old ‚causeway‘, that used to link the two halves of the smallholding, in our very own Stavehøl waterfall:
While the meadow is swamp-like, waterlogged and squelchy, and pools form in the woods.
Less than a 100 metres away, Stavehøl’s waterfall roars down it’s 6 metre drop while the normally quiet Svalphøl is a
roaring cascade between the rocky cliffs
Now in the middle of January surrounded by wetness and mud it is very hard to imagine a time when the ground is firm and dry and you can walk on the land in bare feet – but thankfully that time always comes!