What is new in 2024

A beautiful sunny and dry (if not always that warm thanks to a cool Baltic) Spring is good reward for an exceptionally wet winter that turned our grasslands into muddy swamplands for much of the year. Now waves of blossom have passed through, the grass is growing lush and the…

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Stavehøl’s wet season

Most of our guests stay at Stavehøl between late May and September. When the streams flow with barely a trickle or are entirely empty, and when our meadow is bone dry. Birdsong, wind in the trees and the drone of hoverflies and bees are the dominant sounds. It is hard…

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2022 Stavehøl

Another busy Summer is just a few weeks away. Time to make everything ready – clear out and rebuild firepits, cut pathways and lawns in the meadow (not a good time for the mower to break down!), make firewood and move all the outdoor furniture out of winter storage. All…

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The Summer of 2020

You know the summer season is almost here when the lotus belle tents escape from under our beds to their rightful place in meadow and glade. This winter they had a little excursion to England where they were professionally cleaned and waterproofed – combined with new hats they look as…

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Stavehøl and Bornholm never close

Stavehøl in the spring and summer is a special place. Alive with blossom and woodland flowers between April and June while nightingales and warblers fill our hollow with birdsong. Enclosed by the fresh green of ash, oak, hornbeam and cherry trees our meadow basks in the sun while it thrums with busy bees and butterflies. The river laps gently by the bell tents on its way to the waterfall. Continue reading